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LuxSci's SecureLineTM provides seamless HIPAA-compliant email encryption with everyday email tools. There's no setup required, and no special hardware or software that you need. It works on mobile devices, desktop applications, and browser based email clients. Switch between different levels of email security on the fly for a more convenient or more secure option.

TLS encryption can be used for hassle free email as usual security, while other more secure methods provide higher levels of protection. HIPAA accounts come with an "opt out" feature for encryption to make sure emails sent out are secure by default. Other accounts can choose to opt in to only secure emails when they want to. Also, the SecureSend portal enables anyone with an email address to send secure messages to any LuxSci SecureLineTM user through any web browser.

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LuxSci is the ultimate in email, not only in terms of products but also in service. From a business perspective LuxSci provides unparalleled account administration and control over spam and viruses. You won't even know all the things that are possible with email until you check out LuxSci's multitude of special email services and products. They can also integrate web hosting with your email account."

William Hopwood . Florida Atlantic University